Fotobook Kassel Dummy Awards 2015

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In 2015 the best 50 books will be shortlisted by a pre-jury, and will be exhibited at international photo events in Kassel, Madrid, Oslo, Paris, Rome, São Paulo, and at PhotoIreland Festival in Dublin during the Summer Campus. Expect some more great books this year!
375 photobooks from all over the world were entered for the 2015 International Photobook Dummy Award. The overall quality is again astonishing and amazing and the books are getting more and more perfect in quality and style. We are very excited to announce the shortlist-selection of our jury. 50 photobooks were chosen by Katja Stuke (Böhm/Koboyashi), Jeffrey Ladd (Photographer), Dieter Neubert (Fotobookfestival Kassel), Markus Schaden (ThePhotoBookMuseum), Frederic Lezmi (ThePhotoBookMuseum), Tina Schelhorn (Galerie Lichtblick, Cologne; Curator at Kolga Tbilisi Photo Meeting), Wolfgang Zurborn (Photographer, Galerie Lichtblick, Cologne) and Richard Reisen (Kettler Publishing, k-books).
In 2015 the 50 shortlisted books will be exhibited at international photo events in Kassel, Gotenburg, Dublin, Madrid, Oslo, Paris, Rome and more international exhibition places. From these 50 titles, 3 winners will be chosen by an international jury of experts at the Fotobookfestival Kassel in June. The winner of the First Prize will be given the opportunity to realize their dummy as a ‘real’. book in cooperation with our production partner, k-books, Germany, and will be reported on in the magazine European Photography. The Second Prize is a book production voucher valued at €500; the Third Prize is a voucher valued at €300 given by k-books.
The 2015 shortlisted dummies will be exhibited at:
Fotobookfestival, Kassel: June 4-7
Fotoleggendo, Rome: June 5-27
IED, Madrid: June 10-19
PhotoIreland, Dublin: July 1-31
Kaunas Photo, Kaunas: Sept 1-6
Fotobok Festival, Fotogalleriet, Oslo: Sept 11-20
Encontros da Imagem, Braga: Sept 15-31
Fotobok Gbg 15, Göteborg: Sept 24-27
Fotoistanbul, Istanbul: Oct 9-Nov 8
Christoph Bangert (DE) ‘hello camel’.
Mary Ellen Bartley (US) ‘Reading Robert Wilson’.
Uwe Bedenbecker (DE) ‘Dialectics of Nature’.
Diogo Bento & Jorge Almeida (PT) ‘Journey [1]’.
Oliver Blobel (DE) ‘Amateure – Liebhaber der Fotografie’.
Julia Borissova (RU) ‘Address’.
Federico Ciamei (IT) ‘Travel Without Moving’.
Matthew Connors (US) ‘General Assembly’.
Marian Coppieters (BE) ‘While your heart sleeps in your chest, my sleeve is pounding loud’.
Mauro Corinti (IT) ‘Rhapsody’.
Annelies de Mey (BE) ‘One Eye Two Legs No Journey’.
Sigrid Ehemann (DE) ‘I Want Pink. The Perfect Manual to Sakura’.
Max Eicke (DE) ‘Dominas’.
Kathrin Esser (DE) ‘Strömby’.
Yoshikatsu Fujii (JP) ‘Incipient Strangers’.
Baptiste Giroudon (FR) ‘Study on the Nature of a Variable Geometry’.
Aras Gökten (DE) ‘Arkanum’.
Alexander Hagmann (DE) ‘Korpus’.
Lucy Helton (GB) ‘Actions of Consequence’.
Thomas Locke Hobbs (US) ‘I know at a glance’.
Jannis Keil (DE) ‘Wie Weissrussland nur besser’.
Karina-Sirkku Kurz (DE) ‘Ungleichgewicht’.
Lucy Levene (GB) ‘The Spaghetti Tree’.
Aisling McCoy (IE) ‘The Radiant City’.
Jan McCullough (GB) ‘Home Instruction Manual’.
Eldad Menuchin (IL) ‘Concrete’.
Philipp Meuser (DE) ‘Kadosh’.
Kumiko Motoki (JP) ‘White Fang’.
Steven Nestor (IE) ‘Bellum Et Pax’.
Civan Özkanoglu (DE) ‘Was In Person’.
Louie Palu (CA) ‘Guantanamo Operational Security Review’.
Irina Popova (NL) ‘Bijlmer: Atlas of People and Birds’.
Lena-Franziska Posch (DE) ‘Modern Superheroes’.
Constance Proux & Philippine Proux (BE) ‘Akkar’.
Caio Reisewitz (BR) ‘Altamira’.
Lea Ricking (DE) ‘Schwester Eva Maria I Marianne’.
Paula Roush (GB) ‘Nothing to Undo’.
Miti Ruangkritya (TH) ‘Politics no. 3’.
Daniel Rupp (DE) ‘Elisabeth’.
David Schikora (DE) ‘Autolose Reifen in der Ukraine’.
Thea Schneider (DE) ‘E38-15 Tagebuch einer Expedition’.
Juli Sing (DE) ‘Something Is There, At Least in a Mathematical Sense’.
Frank Sperling (DE) ‘Wolfsmühle’.
Jannike Stelling (DE) ‘Mormor’.
Reka Szent-Ivanyi (HU) ‘There´s Nothing Wrong with That’.
Lorenzo Tricoli (IT) ‘Le Avventure De Pinocchio’.
Kristin Trüb (DE) ‘Letzte Generation Ost’.
Kathrin Tschirner (DE) ‘Kurfürstenstraße’.
Margot Wallard (SE) ‘Natten’.
Graeme Williams (ZA) ‘The Europeans’.
Congratulations to all participants!