Notes From the Margins

Notes from the Margins brings together the work of five photographers who are addressing important social issues in Ireland today. All the artists work in a socially engaged way to present thoughtful representations of individuals and communities often seen as existing on the margins of society.
Though diverse in theme and style, these artists work collaboratively with individuals and communities to make visible their concerns. By actively bringing their voices in from the margins they make the case for a more equal, inclusive, caring society.
Gavin Devine’s I am another is rooted in his deeply personal journey in coming to terms with his own sexuality. His sensitive portraits of gay men are the result of an engaged dialogue with each sitter around the process of ‘coming out’.
In Church Road, Emma McGuire documents her life a reluctant renter in suburban Dublin, where former family homes reflect the circumstances of their tenants, both existing in a state of suspension brought about by the economic crisis.
In his series The Wise Ciaran Dunbar represents the strength of his own community in Muirhevna Mor, Dundalk. The work challenges the stigma of living in one of Ireland’s largest council housing estates.
Malcolm Craig Gilbert’s work presents a personal insight into the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, resulting from his eighteen years serving as a police officer in Northern Ireland.
To make €19.10 & other stories, Rory O’Neill has worked for over 7 years with individuals in Direct Provision centres to chart their experience living in an institutional limbo. €19.10 refers to their weekly allowance from the state.
A programme of talks will take place through the run of the exhibition. Find out more at
Image: Leashafen – from the series Church Road © Emma McGuire