Adamstown Community College, Exposure

Open ProgrammeAbout
The term Exposure has a myriad of definitions that helps create an overall understanding and fundamental discourse for this exhibition. The obvious technical process within photography itself – the exposure of the image plane to light and time. How we create photographic investigations via our creative exposure to the medium of photography and fine art. Our social exposure and engagement to important issues that affect our understanding of the ways the world and how we subsequently choose to represent our findings. And finally, this exhibition, which will literally “expose” the photographs, ideas and observations of four young women for the first time.
Exposure, is a group exhibition by four students from Adamstown Community College in Lucan. After taking part in a photography module as part of their transition year program, Clara Grey, Manuela Brown, Farihah Hamizan and Molly McGrane decided to explore photography in greater depth and create an original exhibition. Working outside of school time, this is more than an extracurricular hobby, this exhibition represents a new way of self-expression for these students – something which can be difficult enough at times for many teens in Ireland.
Their work explores themes such as identity, community, self-expression, family and how they view themselves within it all. Visually confronting us and encouraging a dialogue, this exhibition demonstrates the creative potential of Ireland’s young artists.
This exhibition is curated by their teacher, Kristina Collender – a graduate of Photography from DIT, and kindly sponsored by their school – who have been extremely supportive of their artistic endeavors from the very beginning.